The county team

Who’s Who – The County Team

Terms of Office on the County Team generally last about 3 years.

We are always looking for volunteers to take on roles so if you are interested in any role in particular please let us know and we can arrange for you to shadow the role for a while to find out more.

County Commissioner

Rose Bode

Rose is responsible for leading, motivating and inspiring dedicated volunteers to deliver quality Guiding to girls and leaders in Sefton.

Please feel free to contact her about anything to do with Girlguiding in Sefton and she will try to help.

County Treasurer

Andrew Tate

Andrew looks after the day-to-day finances for the county and manages the county bank account, savings & investments.

Guiding Development / Training Organiser

Sarah Bennett

Sarah works with the county trainers and GO coordinators to plan and organise the trainings for adult members in the county. Trainings usually take place in an evening or on a Saturday.

Every 18 months or so we have a County Training Day and a County Training Weekend. All volunteers are welcome to attend these events. The training team are always looking for new ideas for training and new venues to deliver them in so if you can help please get in touch.

We are always looking for new trainers to deliver our sessions to leaders so if you are interested in becoming a trainer then speak to Sarah – no teaching or training experience is required.

County Membership Systems

Margaret Carleton

Margaret knows all there is to know about the GO membership system. Margaret can update qualifications, close units, run reports, transfer roles, correct (most) mistakes and much much more.

She is in regular contact with region and HQ about changes to the system and how to get the most out of it.

County Support

Helen Fitton

Helen works from the region office in Preston and provides the county with 8 hours of administrative time a week. Helen is the one who sends out the county e-newsletter and other important information. Her support to the county is invaluable.

You can contact her by phone or email during office hours and she will do her best to answer all the questions asked of her.

County Guide Adviser:


County Ranger Adviser:

Nicki Ainsworth

Nicki is the main point of contact for Ranger leaders in the county with questions about the Ranger section.

County Inspire Adviser


Amy is the main point of contact for all those aged 18-30 in the county to support our young adult members and explore the opportunities open to them. She is looking at arranging social events for the group to meet and have fun and has set up a county 18 – 30 Facebook group.

Motivate Sport Young Leaders

We have several young leaders trained to deliver the Motivate sports programme in Brownie, Guide & Ranger units across the county. Please contact Sarah Bennett (County Commissioner) for further details.

County Queens Guide Coordinator

contact County Commissioner

Claire is the main support person for all those working on their Queens Guide Award in the county. She can help with finding mentors, planning the award, choosing suitable activities and lots more. A Queens Guide Award holder herself she knows what is involved and has lots of tips to share to successfully complete the award.

County Communications Lead:

Wendy Graham

Wendy has been a leader for all her adult life and done a few different roles so it has helped her to understand different points of view and needs for communication, which is really useful in her role as Communications Lead for Sefton. Wendy likes to know what’s going on, and her job is to make sure that everyone else who needs to know, knows about it too. That means using all the means at our disposal, e.g. our website and social media, Sefton Guide, e-newsletter, as well as our more traditional communication channels through Commissioners and meetings. Anything you can do to keep her and others informed is most welcome, and if she can help you at all please give her a call.

County Inclusion Adviser

Jenny White

If you have any girls or volunteers with health or mobility issues, then Jenny is the person to ask for support. She can offer practical advice to support you in making unit meetings and activities inclusive to all and can signpost you in the right direction to gain specialist help in the form of equipment and additional support.

County Badge Secretary

Sue Clare

Sue is the person to order Gold, Silver & Bronze awards for your units through. 5 ,10 & 20-year service awards can also be ordered through Sue by commissioners for leaders in their area.

Sue also helps run the Scout & Guide depot at St Andrews in Maghull which is open on a Tuesday and Thursday evening.

County Boating Adviser

Carol Bennion

Carol is the lady to speak to about all boating qualifications and water activities.

County Trainers

We have some fabulous trainers in Girlguiding Sefton: Nichola James, Chris Watkinson & Jacqui McDermott with Lindsay Martin & Beth Hughes in the process of being trained.

Chair of the Shirdley Hill Residential Centre

Sarah Bennett

Jen leads the committee who are responsible for the finance, maintenance and general running of the county training and residential centre. Jen is always looking for volunteers to help with odd jobs, maintenance and gardening around the centre.

Event Team

We are always looking for volunteers to join us to help plan events for the individual sections and for the county. If you would like to join the team, please let us know.

County President 

Chris Watkinson


County Chair of Finance Committee

Carolyn Rankine

The finance committee meet 2 or 3 times a year to discuss the county finances, approve event budgets and set the budget for the county each year. They approve grants for individuals for international trips and other requests and manage the distribution of funds from the Gwen & Jean Clayton funds and the Margaret Pilkington Fund.

We are always looking for volunteers to join this committee to help us ensure the safe financial future of Girlguiding in Sefton.

Leadership Qualification

Chris Watkinson

Chris keeps track of all those working on the Leadership Scheme and is one of our county trainers as well. All completed LQ books go to Chris to be verified and she is always available for questions about the LQ.

Chris and Rose work together to plan the trainings required to ensure those on the LQ can gain the experience they need at the right time.

County ID Verifiers

Margaret Carleton, Liz Hale, Sarah Bennett,

Margaret leads the team of ID verifiers that we have across the county and can always be contacted if you have a question about the process. Both are available to step in and assist with ID checks as and when required.

County Rainbow Adviser

Sarah Murphy

Sarah is the main point of contact for Rainbow leaders in the county with questions about the Rainbow section.

County Brownie Adviser


Beth is the main point of contact for Brownie leaders in the county with questions about the Brownie section.

County Young Leader Adviser:

Chloe Ward

Chloe is the main point of contact for Young Leaders and units with young leaders in the county with questions about the qualification and other opportunities these young women can access.

County Express Representatives

14 – 18 year-olds: Jess Edlin
18 – 30 year-olds: 

Express is an opportunity to bring the voices of the girls from the county to the table and have them heard at a region level. If you are passionate and enthusiastic about Girlguiding and want to help it grow and adapt, then this is a role for you! Express! allows you to connect with new people, challenge yourself and acquire new skills, which will stay with you throughout life. They discuss various issues and work to address these whilst also having a lot of fun and creating new friendships along the way.

Meetings are held 4-5 times a year at the region office alongside other region meetings so that transport can be arranged with others attending from the county.

If you are interested in joining us, speak to your County Commissioner.

County International Adviser

Rachel Moors

The role involves getting girls and leaders interested in internationals adventures in Guiding. Part of this involves selecting young people to take part in international adventures and supporting them in their fundraising. Most years we get the opportunity for a few girls to go for Region selection where girls could be heading to Armenia, Belize, Uganda or India to name just a few! 2018 was the first year we ran a County International trip which involved travelling from Poland where we visited a National Scout camp, through Lithuania to Latvia where we glamped in forest and zip wired through the trees!

There are lots of opportunities for international adventures in Girlguiding. In the past few years we have had members take part in GOLD trip, volunteered as IST for jamborees, taken part in Roverway, organised and volunteered for Adventures in Prague to make just a few! If your a leader who is interested in internationals there are opportunities for you to become a leader on a region or county trip, or a leader only trip such as Bloom which is arranged by Girlguiding North West Region. If you are interested in planning an international with girls in your unit please get in touch and Rachel can support you in your planning.

County Trefoil Guild Chair

Sheila Crawford

Sheila leads the team of Division Trefoil Guild Chairs across the county. Each division has one guild, and they are always looking for new members to join them. Current leaders aged 18+ are eligible to join and will be made to feel very welcome.

Sheila represents the county Trefoil Guild at region meetings during the year.

Our Division trefoil Guild meetings are as follows:

  • Ainsdale: 2nd Monday of the month at 2pm
  • Asland : 1st Monday of the month at 2pm
  • Bootle & Litherland: last Wednesday of the month at noon
  • Crosby: 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm
  • Formby: 4th Thursday of the month at 1.30pm
  • Maghull: 4th Monday of the month at 7.30pm
  • Ormskirk: 4th Tuesday of the month at 7.45pm
  • Southport: 1st Monday of the month at 2pm

County Residential Adviser for Rainbows & Brownies

Vacant: contact the County Commissioner

Corrine leads the team of division advisers who mentor and support leaders while they gain their Rainbow & Brownie “Going away With” qualifications. Corrine also verifies all Rainbow and Brownie residential qualification files before issuing the certificates.

Corrine also sits on the Shirdley Hill Activity Centre committee.

County Outdoor Activity Adviser & Acting County Residential Adviser for Guides & Rangers

Susan Howden

Susan is the lady to go to if you have a question about outdoor activities of any kind. She runs trainings for new volunteers to help them take their girls out of the unit safely and can offer a wealth of advice and experience on all matters outdoors.

Susan is the acting lead of the team of division advisers who mentor and support leaders while they gain their Guide & Ranger “Going away With” qualifications. Susan also verifies all Guide & Ranger residential qualification files before issuing the certificates.

Susan also sits on the Scarisbrick campsite committee

County D of E Adviser

Jean Riding

If you have girls who would like to do their D off E award but can’t access it through school, then please contact Jean for details of how the girls can access the award through Girlguiding

County 1st Response Trainers

Carole Maher 

We are always looking for more volunteers who are interested in taking on the role of trainer, to find out what’s involved please take a look here.

Chair of Scarisbrick Campsite Committee

Liz Hale

The holder of this role alternates between Girlguiding Sefton & Girlguiding Merseyside as we share ownership of the site. Girlguiding Sefton have just taken over the Chair of the Committee for the next 5 years

John Cadman is the Chair of the Estates Committee and he is always looking for a spare pair of hands to help out with the maintenance jobs around the site.

Growth & Retention

We are always looking for volunteers to help us spread the message of Girlguiding to the wider public by attending recruitment fairs, local events and other such opportunities. If you are interested in joining a county team to help with this, please contact us.